This pandemic has had a great toll on our physical health. All those who might have to remain unaffected due to the coronavirus might have felt other strains due to the pandemic, out of which on top remains the shape your body might be in. In addition, due to the lockdown and next to no physical activity, people have gained extra kilos, which now they are trying hard to lose as it is foreseen that the end to the pandemic is near. People are motivated to shed the kilos, but how consistent can one be? Because such fitness-related promises are made to oneself every few months, the will to keep dieting and working on is lost by many within just one to two weeks. And back to the normal routine.
Generally, the only way fitness is advertised as is exercising regularly, but at some time when this suggestion coincides with the facts, it becomes irrelevant as it is a thing worthy of being jotted down that you can see a significant amount of population not even to take out 150 minutes a week for their physical fitness then, mostly from the high-income countries. So you might tend to hear many more, which might equally be unhelpful for you and eliminating them can prove to be a real game-changer. Here a few myths were written down for you to get rid of:
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Exercising is normal
People in contemporary times think that exercising is a very normal thing to do. Instead, physical activity like moving is normal, and exercise is a subdivision of that category. Exercise is a voluntary step towards fitness and not something that is a necessity for all to abide by. In the early days, people didn’t exercise for the sake of fitness; in fact, they only moved when they needed to or would get rewarded for the same. It is very new in terms of that people are lifting weights. In early times no one would lift weight because the purpose of the weight is to be lifted. You won’t find a person in ancient times running miles just for the sake of physical movement.
The concept in itself is very new.
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You aren’t a slacker
If you are trying to avoid unnecessary exertion, this doesn’t mean that you are lazy. For example, if you take a lift instead of a stair, that doesn’t necessarily depict your laziness, although lifts and escalators is a very new invention, you must know that such physical activities burn calories leaving limited or very fewer calories required for other functions of the body, like providing nourishment, storing energy and maintaining the body. Food is the only source to energy, and burning calories unnecessarily might hamper the vital functions. Even today, many are malnourished and do not get the number of calories they should actually.
Sitting is equivalent to smoking
If you have ever heard someone compare harm caused due to smoking equal to sitting, then here is something for them. First of all, the comparison is irrelevant, and second, sitting isn’t as harmful as this made it sound. It reduces physical movement, but if one follows the correct seating technique, they’ll stay in their best physique. For a working person, it’s unavoidable to get up from a chair, but they must ensure they take regular breaks and perform some movement to restart their metabolism. Also, avoid sitting idle as a form of leisure activity.
Un-contamination and strength
There is this myth that those untouched by civilization are very fast and full of strength, but that isn’t true; though their lives might be tough, they only spend a small amount of time working vigorously. So, this conception needs not to be generalized regarding fitness and strength.
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Walking doesn’t lead to weight loss
You should know that one can lose more weight if they follow a diet. There are a list of exercises which makes us very hungry and instead of burning calories we gain more just by eating out of hunger. So, it’s advised to follow a diet rather than just focusing on exercise. Even moderate exercise or physical activity combined with exercise can help one lose weight. Even brisk walking is a good form of physical movement.
Running leads to knee injuries
It is very common to hear people address runners while speaking about the wearing out of the knee tissue. People think running, and other physical activities play a big role in the wearing out of the tissue, but that is nothing but untrue. These physical activities keep the knees in proper health. Wearing out of the tissue happens only when the wrong technique for running is followed.
Correlation of ageing with less activeness
One must know there is no direct relation between ageing and the decrease in energy. Becoming physically active as we age, on the other hand, promotes a plethora of repair and maintenance processes; regular exercise can keep you fit and maintain the energy level with ageing.
Recommended dose of exercise
Although WHO prescribes 150mins/ week of exercise but it isn’t the dose applicable to all. The amount varies to every individual depending upon various factors. One must exercise regularly, even if it is 5 min/ day, as it has various health benefits.
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Just do it
It doesn’t work like this since our body is meant to physically move when it is necessary. So involve ways which makes one obliged to exercise, like meeting friends for exercising, this would want one to exercise without any excuses in a fun way.
Exercise is no magic
Exercising isn’t the solution to everything, and one mustn’t sell it that way. One way to motivate yourself to exercise is to slow down your ageing and help you prevent diseases. It should be made fun instead of making it look like medicine.